Director of the Air National Guard visits 102nd Intel Wing

  • Published
  • By Capt. Bonnie Blakely
  • 102nd Intelligence Wing
Director of the Air National Guard Lt. Gen. L. Scott Rice visited the 102nd Intelligence Wing on Monday, Dec. 10 to tour the facilities and get a closer look at the wing’s capabilities.

“It’s good to be home,” said Lt. Gen. Rice.

Before assuming his current position, Lt. Gen. Rice previously served as the Adjutant General and Commander of the Massachusetts Air National Guard. 

After arriving to the installation, the DANG met with leaders from various councils of the 102 IW including the Chiefs Council, Company Grade Officer Council, First Sergeants Council, and the Junior Enlisted Council. A representative from each council briefed Lt. Gen. Rice on current issues they’re facing and goals they are working toward. Each council works hard to ensure the Airmen across the wing are taken care of and that their voices are heard.

“You must give your undivided attention to each Airmen when talking to them,” Lt. Gen. Rice specifically stated to the Chiefs Council. 

While each council is important, Lt. Gen. Rice emphasized the need for Chiefs to serve as a conduit between Airmen and the mission. Chiefs should always make the time to talk and listen to their people, he added. 

“I think the glue that hold the package together is leadership,” said Lt. Gen. Rice. 

After meeting with the councils, Lt. Gen. Rice received a mission brief by Col. Virginia I. Gaglio, the commander of the 102 IW, which highlighted key components of the wing’s mission. Group and unit commanders were in attendance and discussed successes and setbacks their units are facing, seeking additional help from the director’s level. 

Concerns were brought up regarding the conversion of dual-status technicians to Title 5 civilian employees. 

“Take care of the individuals,” Lt. Gen. Rice said in response. 

Even though this realignment comes as a directive from the Air National Guard, Lt. Gen. Rice discussed ways that commanders can help their people continue to have careers that work for them while still meeting mission and personnel requirements.

“If it doesn’t work or doesn’t make sense, you need to help us fix it,” Lt. Gen. Rice added. 

Later in the day, Lt. Gen. Rice did a walk-through of the new Otis Microgrid system. 

“Our microgrid is the first DOD operational use microgrid using wind energy,” Gaglio said. “It not only give us some energy resilience but also green energy as well.”

Lt. Gen. Rice’s wife, Nancy Rice, was able to join him for this visit. While Lt. Gen. Rice received additional intelligence briefings, Mrs. Rice received a tour of the Joint Base Cape Cod empowerment center and met with the 102 IW resiliency team. 

Mrs. Rice was extremely supportive of the base-wide resiliency efforts being made. She passed along advice on ways to continue to improve resiliency based on her experience working with other wings. 

“You have an unbelievable team here with such great energy,” said Mrs. Rice. 

Lt. Gen. Rice also spent lunch with members of all ranks and coined several outstanding performers. Members in attendance had the opportunity to ask Lt. Gen. Rice questions about the Air National Guard in general, as well as more specific questions related to their careers. He reminded everyone that a big part of why we’re in the guard relates back to the Air Force core value of service before self.

“The thing about selfless service is,” Lt. Gen. Rice explained, “when you feel like you are making a difference in the world, it’s a game changer in how you feel about yourself, the confidence you have, and how you operate as a person. It’s pretty special what we do.”