Unrestricted Report: Allows an eligible person who is sexually assaulted to access healthcare and counseling and request an official investigation of the allegation using existing reporting channels (e.g., chain of command, law enforcement, healthcare personnel, the SARC). When a sexual assault is reported through Unrestricted Reporting, a SARC shall be notified as soon as possible, respond, assign a SAPR VA, and offer the victim healthcare and a SAFE.
Restricted Report: Allows sexual assault victims to confidentially disclose the assault to specified individuals (i.e., SARC, SAPR VA, or healthcare personnel), and receive healthcare treatment, including emergency care, counseling, and assignment of a SARC and SAPR VA, without triggering an official investigation. The victim’s report to healthcare personnel (including the information acquired from a SAFE Kit), SARCs, or SAPR VAs will NOT be reported to law enforcement or to the victim’s command, to initiate the official investigative process, unless the victim consents or an established EXCEPTION applies in accordance with State laws, or federal regulations.
Independent Investigation: Independent investigations are not initiated by the victim. If information about a sexual assault comes to a commander’s attention from a source other than a victim (victim may have elected Restricted Reporting or where no report has been made by the victim), that commander shall immediately report the matter to an MCIO and an official(independent) investigation may be initiated based on that independently acquired information.