Vision Statement:
Developing and fostering innovative operational support avenues enabling premier national level Cyber ISR operations.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Distributed Ground Station-MA is to provide world-class, operationally integrated, multi-domain intelligence to warfighters, supported leaders and combatant commanders around the world.
Federal Mission:
The 202nd ISS is charged with sustaining a reserve force of Cyber ISR analysts and support staff capable of augmenting and contributing to global Cyber ISR operations. Augmentees support both home-station, nation-wide, and overseas deployments in addition to providing top notch behind the scenes Cyber ISR guidance.
State Mission:
State mission efforts include providing highly trained and professional intelligence analysts in support of domestic Incident Awareness and Assessment (IAA) and general emergency/event response within the Commonwealth.
Force Structure or Organization:
The 202 ISS is a subordinate unit of the 202nd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group, Otis ANGB, Mass. and is comprised of over 40 military and civilian personnel. Sections within the Squadron include Systems and Computing Operations, Weapons and Tactics, Current Operations Support, Training Office and Operational Plans.
Functions and Capabilities
The Squadron’s primary mission is to provide operational support and fully trained Cyber ISR analysts for SIGINT Development efforts across two Intelligence Squadrons at Otis ANG Base. 202nd ISS members hold a unique blend of Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) including 14N, 17D, 1N4, 1N0, 3D1, and 3D0 enabling a full spectrum of expert support. Functions range from planning and integration, subject matter weapons and tactics guidance, trends and analysis tracking, and information systems guidance and support. Diversity and experience are at the core of the Squadron’s formation and foundation.
The 202nd ISS was activated in 2016 at Otis Air National Guard Base, Mass. The unit’s assigned cyber ISR mission is reminiscent of the historic beginnings of the 102 IW, rooted in cutting edge technologies and battlefield observation. The 202nd ISS postures for an aggressive home-station and forward mobilization schedule. Squadron Airmen have volunteered for duty with our national-level partners at Fort Meade, Maryland, contributing to the stand-up of US Cyber Command. In addition, 202nd ISS members have served OCONUS at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, augmenting the active duty component in support of various ongoing ISR and cyber operations.
Download 202nd Intelligence Support Squadron Fact Sheet.