Mission Statement:
Provide war-winning operational intelligence support to the Distributed Common Ground Station (DCGS) enterprise through technical expertise, innovative thinking, and a focused commitment to the mission.
Federal Mission:
The 102nd Operations Support Squadron (OSS) is one of three units that make up the 102nd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group (ISRG).
The squadron provides operational support functions as an integral
member of Digital Ground Station Massachusetts (DGS-MA). Squadron members are highly experienced Airmen who provide a backbone of planning, training, integrations, tactics, scheduling, and quality control. Their efforts ensure the weapons system is properly and effectively utilized to support the warfighter. Operationally, DGS-MA and the 102 OSS fall under the 480th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing of the Air Combat Command located at Langley Air Force Base.
State Mission:
The 102 OSS and DGS-MA as a whole help provide Intelligence Awareness and Assessment (IAA) functions to our state partners in times of crisis. Members of the 102 OSS have played critical roles in providing information for various environmental events throughout the country.
Force Structure or Organization:
The 102nd Operations Support Squadron is comprised of 48 military and civilian personnel. The squadron has four branches. Weapons and Tactics ensure that DGS-MA remains on the leading edge of the weapons system. Training creates training material, sets training standards, and ensures compliance ensuring operators are well-trained and prepared to perform their duties. Plans and Integrations manages mobilizations and deployments for the Group. Members of this shop also work hard to make sure that new equipment and software are seamlessly integrated into the weapons system. The Scheduling and Mission Management shop make sure that the flow of missions and people all line up effectively. They also ensure the continued quality of finished products.
The 102 OSS was activated on Feb. 19, 2009, at Otis Air National Guard Base, Mass. Since that time, Airmen of the squadron have been mobilized on a continuous basis in support of Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, New Dawn, Odyssey Dawn, Inherent Resolve, and Freedom’s Sentinel.
Download 102nd Operations Support Squadron Fact Sheet.