Vision Statement:
Premier support to our Airmen and families through continuous improvements to enrich quality of life, education and training programs, and personnel services delivery.
Mission Statement:
The 102nd Force Support Squadron is responsible for providing first-class combat and community support by delivering superior programs supporting Airmen and family care, military and civilian personnel services, education and training, food service, lodging and fitness for the 102nd Intelligence Wing and their families.
Force Structure or Organization:
The 102nd Force Support Squadron is subordinate to the 102nd Mission Support Group and provides various functions and capabilities to support Airmen and their families. The 102nd Force Support Squadron is comprised of 37 personnel across five sections.
Functions and Capabilities:
- Military Personnel Section services include customer support, Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), identification cards, officer and enlisted promotions, officer and enlisted evaluations, decorations and awards, conditional releases, enlistments, officer accessions, reenlistments, conditional releases, separations, discharges, retirements, and in-and-out processing.
- Installation Personnel Readiness provides Wing accountability, mobilizations, contingencies, deployment and reception processing, and casualty support.
- Human Resource Office – Remote provides advisory services to supervisors of full-time employees, processes individual personnel actions related to full-time employees, serves as a liaison between the Wing and state Human Resource Office and performs personnel systems transactions related to full time workforce.
- Sustainment Services provides food service and operations, lodging, fitness and sports, search and recovery, private and unofficial organizations management, and mortuary affairs.
- Force Development Section supports education counseling, formal school training, professional military education, upgrade training program, testing services, officer and enlisted classification, state tuition assistance, ancillary and expeditionary skills training, and the administration of the 102nd Student Flight
The unit also oversees the Yellow Ribbon Program for the entire Wing population as well as the Base Honor Guard Program. 102nd Force Support Squadron supports more than 3,000 military members, civilian employees, contractors, retirees and family members across Joint Base Cape Cod.
In 2009, the 102nd Mission Support Flight and 102nd Services Flight merged into the new 102nd Force Support Flight. The unit has a rich history and has supported 102nd Intelligence Wing Airmen deployed around the globe in support of Operations NORTHERN WATCH, SOUTHERN WATCH, NOBLE EAGLE, IRAQI FREEDOM, ENDURING FREEDOM, NEW DAWN, INHERENT RESOLVE and FREEDOM SENTINEL.