102nd Intelligence Support Squadron

Mission Statement:

Provide war-winning intelligence systems maintenance, integration, and operations to the DCGS (Distributed Common Ground System) enterprise through technical competency, innovative thinking and a focused commitment to the mission.

Federal Mission:

The 102nd ISS provides intelligence systems maintenance, integration, and operations for the AN/GSQ-272 SENTINEL weapon system, as part of the Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF-DCGS) Enterprise, enabling near real-time Collection, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (CPED) of fused intelligence to warfighters, combatant commanders, and the larger intelligence community. The weapon system employs a global communications architecture that connects multiple airborne intelligence collection platforms and sensors to Imagery and Signals Intelligence Analysts at Otis ANGB and other DGS sites. The 102nd ISS ensures the availability and integrity of weapon system networks, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, through operation and maintenance of mission and ancillary networks and equipment, software installation and support, information system security, communications security, technology integration and innovation, systems architecture and configuration management, supply and logistics, and contract management and oversight. In addition, the 102nd ISS provides support to the overall maintenance effort of the NORAD Pocket J Situational Awareness Data Link (SADL) system at Otis ANGB.   

State Mission:

The 102nd ISS maintains an Unclassified Processing, Awareness and Dissemination (UPAD) system in support of 102nd Intelligence Wing Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) missions. 

Force Structure or Organization:

The 102nd Intelligence Support Squadron (ISS) is one of three units that make up the 102nd Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Group (ISRG) and Distributed Ground Station-Massachusetts (DGS-MA) at Otis Air National Guard Base, Massachusetts. The Squadron is comprised of more than 100 military, civilian, and Contract Field Support Representative (CFSR) Cyberspace Support professionals.  

Functions and Capabilities:

The Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) is the Air Force's primary intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance planning and direction, collection, processing and exploitation, analysis and dissemination weapon system.  The DCGS is currently composed of regionally aligned, globally networked sites. The sites have varying levels of capability and capacity to support the intelligence needs of the warfighter. One of these components is Digital Ground Station-Massachusetts. DGS-MA, under the control of the 102nd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group, is a multi-intelligence processing, exploitation and dissemination node within AF DCGS, providing 24/7 capacities. In addition, DGS-MA operates a high-altitude capacity providing U-2 and RQ-4 missions and also provides defense support to civilian authorities such as the Federal and Massachusetts Emergency Management Agencies (FEMA and MEMA) with our UPAD mission during national and regional emergencies and domestic operations.


The 102nd ISS was activated on Feb. 19, 2009, at Otis Air National Guard Base, Mass. Since that time, Airmen of the squadron have been mobilized on a continuous basis in support of Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, New Dawn, Odyssey Dawn, Inherent Resolve, and Freedom’s Sentinel.

The unit has been awarded a Global War on Terrorism War Service streamer, the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award, from 1 Dec 2007-31 Oct 2009, 1 Jun 2009-31 May 2011, 1 Jun 2011-31 Dec 2012, 1 Jan 2013-31 Dec 2013, and the Air Force Meritorious Unit Award from 1 Jun 2014-31 May 2015, 1 Jun 2015-31 May 2016, and 1 Jun 2016-31 May 2017.