WEBVTT 00:08.850 --> 00:11.529 After 38.5 years of service , this will 00:11.529 --> 00:13.890 be my last drill weekend with the 102nd 00:13.890 --> 00:15.970 Intelligence wing . I would like to 00:15.970 --> 00:18.026 take this moment to reflect on three 00:18.026 --> 00:20.026 things that helped me throughout my 00:20.026 --> 00:22.209 career in the hopes that will benefit 00:22.209 --> 00:24.320 those of you who might like to become 00:24.320 --> 00:26.598 leaders in your organizations , chiefs , 00:26.598 --> 00:29.700 or even the next command chief . First , 00:30.110 --> 00:32.332 regardless of how busy and chaotic life 00:32.332 --> 00:34.443 can become , never lose focus on your 00:34.443 --> 00:36.349 personal development . Make the 00:36.349 --> 00:38.700 sacrifice of time and potentially money 00:38.909 --> 00:41.020 to become as educated as you possibly 00:41.020 --> 00:44.630 can . Colleges , professional military 00:44.630 --> 00:47.599 education seminars , reading , and 00:47.599 --> 00:49.599 informal training all contribute to 00:49.599 --> 00:51.959 airmen who can think through issues , 00:52.159 --> 00:54.319 solve problems , communicate 00:54.319 --> 00:56.970 effectively , and build effective teams . 00:57.220 --> 00:59.164 Your education will serve you well 00:59.164 --> 01:01.650 wherever life takes you . Second , 01:01.930 --> 01:03.319 while you are focused on 01:03.319 --> 01:05.541 self-development , don't forget to care 01:05.541 --> 01:07.597 for others . Selflessly helping your 01:07.597 --> 01:09.597 airmen to be successful is the most 01:09.597 --> 01:11.849 rewarding thing you can do . Be there 01:11.849 --> 01:14.769 for them , guide and mentor them . Take 01:14.769 --> 01:16.936 an active role in helping them fulfill 01:16.936 --> 01:19.269 their Air National Guard career . Help 01:19.269 --> 01:21.269 the airmen around you to fill their 01:21.269 --> 01:23.491 cups , and one day you'll look down and 01:23.491 --> 01:26.260 your cup will be overflowing . Finally , 01:26.559 --> 01:28.959 try and be patient . Things in life 01:28.959 --> 01:31.559 don't always go as we planned . Many 01:31.559 --> 01:33.615 young airmen get frustrated when the 01:33.615 --> 01:35.837 promotion or position selection doesn't 01:35.837 --> 01:38.115 go their way . Setbacks are inevitable , 01:38.160 --> 01:40.319 and you can't give up . I have seen 01:40.319 --> 01:42.360 countless logjams of people and 01:42.360 --> 01:44.680 resources suddenly break free and paths 01:44.680 --> 01:47.519 open for those who are ready . I myself 01:47.519 --> 01:49.741 was a tech sergeant for over 12 years , 01:49.741 --> 01:51.963 but I never stopped striving and trying 01:51.963 --> 01:54.879 to excel . Suddenly the dam burst and I 01:54.879 --> 01:57.680 had a number of opportunities . It is 01:57.680 --> 01:59.902 said that good things come to those who 01:59.902 --> 02:02.180 wait , and I am a good example of that . 02:02.870 --> 02:04.926 To all of the airmen in the 102 , it 02:04.926 --> 02:06.981 has been an honor and a privilege to 02:06.981 --> 02:09.037 serve as your command chief . I will 02:09.037 --> 02:11.148 miss every one of you . Thank you for 02:11.148 --> 02:13.481 being a part of this great organization , 02:13.481 --> 02:14.380 Chief Hurl out .